Thursday, 24 October 2013

ICT linking to Te Whāriki

Linking ICT to Te Whāriki curriculum

The learning environment helps children to understand the world if interesting play resources are given to them.
For essential skills, children give and receive information with purpose and confidence. They develop abilities to ask questions and process information as they use media as resources.
For essential learning areas, children use a variety of technologies to explore the world.
In relation to goal three, children develop their abilities to identify and use information from many sources. As they use creative and expressive media and technologies, they are more likely to find discoveries.
For essential skills, children are more likely to share ideas by listening, speaking and using visual languages. Also, they are able to identify and understand different kinds of information.
For essential learning areas, children have experiences in using communication technologies such as computers.
In relation to goal two, children develop their verbal communication skills to identify information and solve problems.
In relation to goal three, children learn about stories and symbols of different cultures. They also have experiences with technology for literacy and mathematics.
For essential skills, children show ideas, feelings and information in different social contexts. They develop understanding of other people’s points of view.
For essential learning areas, more experience in solving problems together enables children to understand how technologies can help them and others.
For essential skills, children develop their confidence in understanding their family and community. They begin to process information about their own group and recognise different points of view.
For essential learning areas, using many materials for different reasons allows children to realise that different technologies may be used in various places and settings.
For essential skills, children gain confidence in expressing thoughts and feelings. They know more information about safe routines and behaviours.
For essential learning areas, using technology to solve practical problems leads towards self-confidence and well-being.


Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki: He Whāriki Mātauranga mō ngā Mokopuna o Aotearoa. Early Childhood Curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media.

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